Our Pest Control Blogs
With the many types of pests that want to invade your home, more knowledge can help you better understand how we can help you combat them. Check out some of our articles below to learn about these pests, their treatment, and how to prevent them
Wintertime is usually when most animals, including insects and rodents, hibernate to withstand the harsh cold.
Most people don’t like spiders because of their creepy appearance, the messy webs they leave behind, and their tendency to pop up where you least expect them. That said, most spiders are harmless, and in certain settings, they do us a favor by eating other insects.
If you’ve been following scientific and environmental news lately, chances are you’ve heard a good deal about cicadas. That’s because every 17 years, billions of these insects descend upon the U.S., simultaneously damaging and benefiting the environment.
To say that 2020 has been a crazy year would be an understatement. But with so much happening, and new headlines related to major national and global events appearing every week, there was bound to be at least one big story that got lost in the shuffle.
When most people think of skunks, their smell is one of the first things that comes to mind. If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to get sprayed by a skunk or discover that your pet was sprayed, you know how unpleasant it is, and how difficult the smell is to get rid of.
It’s hard to imagine the common mosquito ever being anything more than an annoying, obnoxious pest. However, these small creatures are actually an extremely important part of nature and their place in the world is vital to everything from plants to animals.
Do you know the difference between a bee, a wasp, a hornet, and a yellow jacket?
Any pest infestation can be difficult to get rid of. Stink bugs, however, present a unique problem. The fact that they emit a foul odor when swatted, stomped, or otherwise disturbed can make it difficult to turn to the normal methods you may use to get rid of bugs.
That old adage suggests that when the apocalypse happens, the only thing left on the planet will be cockroaches and Twinkies.